Monday, October 25, 2010

Now awesome is just ironic.

I have been accidentally devaluing the word "awesome" through linguistic inflation, in that I have been applying the word to situations wherein the word is not necessarily applicable; when I am not, in actuality, anywhere near struck with anything near awe. The word has consequently lost the splendor of yesteryear (1).

So...sorry. (2)

sometimes when i'm in need of a giggle, i read the example sentences for the word "cunt" in the oxford english dictionary.

because i am an immature person with academic resources in the digital age.

Which is to say I have access to and utilize the OED website.

I pray that you have come to realize that using what is recognized as the most vulgar of curse words by most english-speaking, land-borne mammals along with 4 out of 5 dentists of mixed ethnicity whose sample groups were controlled for age, weight, social acuity, and catholicity, can often incur offense from third parties. Well, all three really. Just don't say it at parties. Or say it only at parties. Loud parties.

In using the aforementioned cuss, I have made it slightly more common, and therefore slightly less profane.'re welcome.

(1) = because no one uses the word "yesteryear," which is why I am really glad I invested in it forty years ago. And yet, it can only become more common, so I'm thinking about selling off and cashing out. But don't tell anyone, I could get in trouble.

(2) = not really.

Friday, October 1, 2010

wear your big boy pants

and the panda said "i've never been one for catalogs"

by which he means to say that he does not approve of the aggression of the bears, nor the laziness of marsupials. So he just doesn't feel like taking sides.

Honestly, I don't think he knows what a catalog is. I cannot imagine that he would have a mailing address to receive one, nor do I believe that Chinese culture is particularly catalog-heavy.

He also refuses to eat anything apart from the nutrient-deficient bamboo that is actually fairly rare in the areas of China from which he refuses to remove himself.

Furthermore, it seems he is not a big enthusiast of procreation.

Is it black with white spots, or white with black spots? or are you just gonna stick with gray?

a ridiculous creature, to be certain.
put a stop to the feature and lower the curtain.