Thursday, September 24, 2009

Supposing what I did

A night when you're s'posed'a do homework. So you can go to sleep. So you can get up. And do other shit you're s'posed'a do.

But striding comes fancy with whimsy in toe, to let you in on some things you should know. tellin' ya sleep is for quitters - a waste of your time! Well I want my hours to sparkle and shine and I'll go so far as committin' a crime, if I find a crime worth committin'.

I figger most of us that stay up late are just waiting for life to get more int'restin'.

Well tonight for me was a ride for the books, rather I spent the morning with the rest of the crooks that are late to bed and later to rise, and you'll know the gents by the fire in their eyes, a look that pierces with the knowledge of knives, slicing a spoonful into their lives, and that glair lets you know that it'd be lies if they told you that they regret it.

'cause those slices help prioritize, cut those s'posed'as down to size. Though some trouble may materialize, the meantime makes you realize that those nights on the edge of your demise are worth the words in the morning.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Barking: "Mad!"

so i typed up this whole, big, long blog last night about my weekend, but then it didn't publish or save like i thought it did, so eff that noise.

If i had a dinosaur, i would probably smash it to smitherins, in the hopes that it would yield me some quarters. Because odds are it's a pinata, and I have laundry to do. And if it's not, maybe there are people inside, and maybe they have some quarters. I would ask them. But I suppose they're probably dead and partially digested, so in that case I would just rummage through their pockets.

And if that doesn't work, I suppose I'll just go and shake the money tree out back. It can be done. It's all about RNA.

Revenue. Nice. Ass.

But with the money tree it's ALL BILLS! Large ones too. Not even ones you could break for quarters at any respectable establishment. Like ridiculous bills, mostly some sorta thousand kind, but I've found even ones that America has no backing for - a google, a boogle, even a beagle. I named him Allodocious. He came to a terrible end though. I thought he was another one o' them pinatas. I mean - I hoped; I was ready to believe for the potential reward. So I buried him near the money tree, in the hopes that he will germinate into a smaller-currency shrub or fern.

So if anyone would like to donate some quarters so that I can stop this slaughter of hypothetical, desirable pets and/or inanimate objects, put them in a clearly marked zip-lock baggie and hand them to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you.