Sunday, February 13, 2011

I wrote this thing one time

So...Nanny McPhee is just the ugly, nonmusical Mary Poppins right?

You'd think if she had all that magic she could conjure some music for my entertainment.

Of course, I could be way off-base with this. I've never seen either of the films.

But you know, I've been learning a lot lately.

I've learned that sometimes it's okay to lie. Like when I say things like "The WWE Elimination Chamber was created by the devil himself." Really I'm just using But it's not okay to use that as the opening statement of the eulogy of a dog-sledding champion whose death is in no way related to professional silliness. But then I suppose dog-sledding isn't the most worthwhile of activities. To most. On second thought, it is okay if that particular thesis statement somehow initiates and introduces a long schpiel that gradually unravels the dark and terribly intriguing mystery of how this particular dog-sledding champion did not tragically and stupidly drive his sled off of that cliff to his doom, but rather just tragically, because HE WAS ALREADY SLAIN! By some dastardly villain, who then mounted the old hot-dog-tied-to-a-stick-by-a-string-so-as-to-motivate-forward-motion gag. But in this case, it wasn't so humorous, but more...deadly. Well, for the dogs.

Sure, the old Pavlov's death bit.

But that's besides the point. In the murderer's haste, he left behind the damning evidence of an oversized, shiny belt. IT WAS THE UNDERTAKER!

(the professional wrestler, the Undertaker. does he still wrestle? i'm too lazy to look it up right now. we have to get something more convenient than this whole world at your fingertips, because laziness is the mother of innovation. someone get on that.)

And thus the crime was solved, which gave everyone a lot of mixed feelings, being that they are very sad about the death of this hypothetical dogsledder, but also very happy that the crime was solved.

it's gonna get real awkward when he shows up to bury the body and all. because he's gonna get all defensive and maybe deny it, that sort of thing. very confrontational situation. which i'm not good at. it's also going to be awkward because i slammed a pie into the face of the corpse, in an impulsive attempt to lighten the mood. take it from me, not a good idea.
do you think he does it because he needs the money, or do you think he does it as acting research? Or do you think he just enjoys the work? Given this incident, I would say the latter. Maybe that's the motive. He just wanted the business.

you should have suspected something earlier when he called you to recommend his services, and this is the first you're hearing of the upsetting news. kinda stupid of you.

but not really because this is all an elaborate lie. I don't say that that is what it is because I assume you're aware of that, but then I spit a lot of bullshit and in essence i'm not certain if you know that that's what that smell is and i'm not sure if you know that i know that that is what it is, or what's going on. But that sounds kinda weird so I'm not going to say that.

what about the sled dogs? nobody cares. it's very sad. that's people though, very discriminatory when it comes to species.

I say things that aren't true, not to be dishonest but rather to entertain the both of us.

oh anyway, i'm saying that dogsledding is in many ways a very virtuous sort of activity, whereas pretend fighting? not so much.

and that's why the devil killed Iron Will.

so this is what i'm thinking about when i'm not paying attention to the things going on around me. sorry. i feel bad. i have a condition. it's probably Bieber Fever what were you saying?


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