Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It was a superb dick day

You know those days when you take a look at yourself, and you're swingin' large (whatever that may mean to you) and you just know you're going to eff the ess out of the day? It was one of those days today. And still is, I suppose.

Well of course the occurrences are just the same as they always are, but you feel better about them. Or at least about yourself.

Anyhoo, enough dancing around phalli. It really upsets me that the thesaurus widget on my mac does not have an entry for penis. Or anything even remotely vulgar for that matter. Come on! Those are the like the best ones!

Halloween is quickly approaching. I find it irritating that my life is also getting way busier at the same time. You know, it really blows being a secular person, because Halloween is like all we have. Well, that and Christmas. And Thanksgiving. But I get time off for those. Those are recognized as important. And the beliefs behind them are the least important to me. But Halloween is about dressing up and getting intoxicated and indulging! Which I can totally get behind! Then again, that's kind of what all holidays are about in one way or another, huh? The point is, someone give me a break. I should not have to tend to my responsibilities, because I'm not even me on Halloweekend. I am Sirius Black, or Inspector Clouseau. But like a drunk version.

In any case, at the very least it is about time to do my annual marathon of the Misfits. I think the Misfits are the best seasonal music. Especially for this time of year. Of course excepting the monster mash. I'ma throw a monster mash. In my pants. FULL CIRCLE!


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