Saturday, February 20, 2010

cock man oppressor

in the words of the cheebah monkeys:"just one little binger, to brighten up your day"

I overheard some old guys talking.

PCU, a glorious film. a wonderful exploration of college life. circa seventeen years ago jesus has it been that long?

exploring the horrors and the folly of any stubborn, aggressive, radical viewpoints and the joys and glories of smoking, grilling, playing loud music and hockey indoors. Simultaneously! Irreverence in general. Hippie olympics. The so-called and aforementioned cheebah monkeys have an impressive bench, obviously culminating in a very adept canine. but even the dog can't do much if some preppie pre-frosh scampers across the pitch mid-game.

that weasel snagged the 'bee!

many important lessons to be learned: "You're going to wear the shirt of the band you're going to go see? Don't be that guy."

Gutter, i'm sorry but the man at the liquor store gives no shit about you missing your ride to the show.

Probably in a parking lot somewhere, picking his nose. But hey, George Clinton might just give you a ride back to the Pit.

Stay on your side!
Stop the penis party!
well, if you see her, could you tell her mr. pokey stopped by?
chuck, porterhouse, ribeye, I know how you feel.

I have so much homework and instead I am watching movies. but now, a dramatic retelling of a recent event-

"I saw a woman outside, walking in the road. She took five or so steps frontward, then two turned around, walking backward, with her aft end forward. Only to turn right way round again. She did this repeatedly, prior to her disappearance from the view of my kitchen window"
-"well I wish you would have let me know"
"I was transfixed! She walked with a new world in toe...she could have had OCD or agorophobia. perhaps she was being followed, by a person or paranoia"
-"maybe she just didn't want to get hit by a car. there's no sidewalk on this road."

I hate sundays. it promises a splendor it suppresses, refuses to provide. Who appointed the sun in dis?

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