Monday, February 1, 2010

what i do instead of productive question mark...(s)

one time i just wrote a very long poem instead of doing my homework. i decided it was too personal and i erased it. you've hurt me too much in the past, internet. i can't go throwing my feelings all over the place any more, because any one of those feelings could land on, like, some sort of rocky soil, and then what happens? germination? girl, i don't think so!

so i still have all that homework. i think i might just continue to avoid it - do one of those purposeful all-nighters. what's the worst that could happen?

in conclusion, friends, i will now be going for a run. because apparently that's something i do? used to. anyhoo. its a particularly bad idea, because (a) I have been smoking too much, too recently, and (b) i am recovering from a sinus infection or something. what's probably going to happen is, if there's still some sort of sinus infection-type bacteria floating around in my system, i will suck it into my lungs and get some kind of respiratory infection, especially if i'm not sleeping tonight. so i look forward (or whichever way time faces...hands...clockward) to meeting you on the battlefield, sunrise. just to give you fair warning, i will have at least 21 hours on you. advantage. headstart. so you best be ready.

i say good day.

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